Monday 17 November 2008

That Bloaty Feeling [16-11-08]

It was my grandma's birthday today, and as such I ate far too much. We went to a place called The Orchard, which is a Beefeater in her general area, and I had forgotten what it was like to go to a Beefeater.

I had a large steak with any extras they were willing to give me - barbecue sauce, onion rings, the full works. I felt a little like Danny Wallace when he was doing his "Yes Man" experiment, in which he said "yes" to every yes or no question he was asked for six months.

"Barbecue Sauce?"


"Onion Rings?"





"Dear God, Yes."

Anyway, not having fully felt the effects of the large steak, I decided it would be a good idea to stuff my face further with a Chocolate Fudge Brownie Sundae (which incidentally was not a sundae, as it was not in a tall glass), which really made me feel ill. It also gave me an ice-cream headache, or "brainfreeze," which I haven't suffered from for a number of years.

Then, when we got back to my grandma's house, she forced birthday cake on us. It was lovely cake, and I don't regret it for a second, but I felt very bloated and quite queasy whenever I even thought about food for the rest of the evening.

Unsurprisingly, I didn't have dinner.

1 comment:

Dan Solomon Wheeler said...

"Side-steak" Please buy me one of these Phill and I will have it with my cornflakes.